Industry competence
The origins of the FOERSTER company are inseparably linked to research and development. It was Prof. Friedrich Förster who discovered the influence of the earth's magnetic field on a test coil in test equipment in 1937 while he was studying the magnetic properties of metals. He used this to develop the Förster probe named after him, a highly sensitive measuring system for magnetic fields that is still used today for precise measurement of the earth's magnetic field.
This now also detects the magnetic field in three-dimensional space using the MAGNETOMAT and 3-AXIS MAGNETOMETER as well as corresponding time- and frequency-based evaluations using appropriate analysis software.
Developments from FOERSTER help to understand the world a little bit better in other fields as well. Whether in physics, space technology, or in industry. Discover exciting application possibilities for our devices and systems with us.
Application example
Particle accelerator
The term "particle accelerator" makes most people think of CERN. This name stands for a huge particle accelerator that is used in research to detect "the inmost force that binds the world". Particle accelerators are used to shoot energy-charged particles at material. The resulting reactions provide information on the structure of the material.
However, a much larger number of particle accelerators are used not in research but in medicine, for example, as part of radiation therapy. In this area, mostly small linear accelerators are used. These accelerate electrons and either use them directly for radiation or convert them into "bremsstrahlung" first.
All particle accelerators have in common that the charged particles are accelerated using electrical and magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can be easily disturbed, though, which is why not all components are suitable for use in particle accelerators. In the design and assembly of particle accelerators, the MAGNETOSCOP and MAGNETOMAT help to select suitable non-magnetic materials by measuring their relative permeability (magnetic permeability) or their residual magnetic field.